Ko te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero ōkawa, e arohia ai ngā taha katoa o tētahi kaupapa, ōna painga, ōna hapa, ngā whakaaro taunaki, ngā whakaaro whakahē. I te nuinga o te wā, he tūmatanui te tautohetohe hei whakarongo mā te marea.
A formal discussion in which all sides of a topic are considered, advantages and disadvantages, supporting and opposing arguments. Usually they are conducted in a public forum.
He tautohetohe nui kei te haere i te marae.
E whā haora e tautohetohetia ana te kaupapa, kātahi ka puta te whakatau a te hui.
He pūkenga ōna ki te tautohetohe, ki te whakawhere i te hunga whakarongo.