He ara whakaako tuhituhi. Ka mahi ngātahi te kaiako me tana rōpū ākonga ki te whakamahere, ki te waihanga i tētahi tuhinga. Ko tā te kaiako, he arataki i ngā ākonga ki te whakamahi i ngā momo rautaki tuhituhi (pērā i te raupapa i ngā whakaaro), me ngā nuka reo hei whakarākei i te kōrero. Ko tā ngā ākonga, he tuku whakaaro, he hoatu kupu, rerenga kōrero hoki.
An approach to teaching writing. The teacher works collaboratively with a group of students to plan and construct a written text. The teacher guides the students in using various writing strategies (such as the sequencing of ideas), and using literary devices to embellish the text. The students contribute their ideas, words and sentences.
He tino whaihua te tuhituhi ngātahi mō te ākonga e tauhou ana ki te tuhi kōrero.
I roto i te tuhituhi ngātahi, he aha ngā mahi matua a te kaiako?
Mō ētahi ākonga, he whakahihiko te tuhituhi ngātahi, he pārekareka ki a rātou.