Ko ngā kōrero tuatahi hei wāhi i te kaupapa o tētahi pukapuka. I te pukapuka pono, he whakatakoto i ōna tāhū kōrero i mua i ngā whakamahukitanga hōhonu e whai ana i ngā wāhanga o muri. I ētahi wā he whakarāpopoto i ngā kai matua, ngā tohenga matua rānei o roto i te pukapuka. I te pukapuka paki, te whakaari rānei, he whakaatu i te takiwā me te horopaki.
The opening text of a book which deals with its subject. In a work of non-fiction, it outlines the main themes before more extensive elucidation in following chapters. Sometimes an introduction can be a summary of the main points or arguments contained in the book. In a work of fiction or a play, the introduction establishes the setting and context of the story.
whakataki - begin a speech or talk
Me āta pānui te kupu whakataki kia mōhiotia ai ngā kaupapa matua o te pukapuka.
E hia ngā whārangi o te kupu whakataki?
Ka oti ana te pukapuka, kātahi ia ka hoki ki te tuhi i te kupu whakataki.