Ko te tuku whakaaro e pā ana ki te mahi a tētahi, e pā ana ki tētahi kaupapa rānei. I te nuinga o te wā, ko te whāinga o te whakahoki kōrero, kia pai ake te mahi, te kaupapa rānei i muri iho.
Giving an opinion or thoughts about a person's performance, or about a particular initative. Usually the intent of feedback is to improve future outcomes.
Ko ana whakahokinga hei āwhina i a koe ki te whakapakari i tō reo.
Ko te āhua o tā te pouako whakahoki kōrero tētahi āhuatanga matua e angitu ai te ākonga i roto i ana mahi.
Nā te tumuaki i whakarāpopoto ngā whakahokinga kōrero e pā ana ki te rā hākinakina o te kura i whakatūria i tērā wiki.