He kōrero pono. E taea ana te pono o te kōrero te taunaki. He pūkenga matua te whiriwhiri mēnā he meka, he pono rānei tētahi kōrero, he whakaaro rānei nō te kaituhi, nō te kaikōrero.
Information that is true. The truth can be substantiated with evidence. An important skill is being able to distinguish between whether something is a fact, or is the writer’s or speaker’s opinion.
▾meka - true
Tautohua ngā meka kei roto i tēnei kōrero mō te hekenga o ngā waka ki Aotearoa.
He aha koe i kī mai ai he meka tēnā kōrero? He aha hoki ngā taunakitanga?
E mōhio ana ia ki ngā meka matua mō te whakarea.