Ko te kimi, ko te whiriwhiri i ngā rerekētanga o ētahi mea e rua, nui ake rānei, pērā i ētahi kapa poitarawhiti e rua. I te nuinga o te wā, ka haere tahi te whakatauaro me te whakatairite.
Looking for and working out the differences in two or more things, such as two netball teams. Usually contrasting and comparing are done together.
whakataurite - compare; tauaro - be opposite
He aha ngā āhuatanga whakatauaro o ēnei kapa e rua?
Ko tāna, he whakatairite, he whakatauaro i ngā mahi toi Māori o mua me ō ināianei.
Whakatauarohia te waiata aroha me te waiata tangi.