Ko ngā kape katoa o tētahi pukapuka e ōrite pū ana ngā kōrero o roto. I ētahi wā, mēnā e tāngia anō ana te pukapuka, ka whakahoutia ētahi o ngā kōrero, ā, ka kīia tērā, he putanga whakahou. I te tānga hou o tētahi pukapuka, kāore e panonitia ngā kōrero o roto. Mēnā kāore i maha ngā kape o te pukapuka ka tāngia, ka kīia tērā he putanga kōtahitahi. I ētahi wā, he maha ngā tānga uhi ngohe o te pukapuka, engari he putanga kōtahitahi pea te tānga uhi mārō.
All the copies of a book in which the text is exactly the same. Sometimes when a book is being reprinted, some of the text can be updated, and this is called a revised or new edition. A reprint of a book does not have changes to the text. If only a few copies of a book are printed, that is called a limited edition. Sometimes the soft cover version of a book will have a large print run but the hard cover version will be a limited edition.
Ko te putanga tuawhitu o te papakupu a Wiremu te mea e whakamahia ana i tēnei wā, he mea whakahou i te tau 1971.
He aha ngā whakahoutanga i te putanga tuarua nei?
I te putanga whakahou o te papakupu, i whakaurua ētahi kupu e pā ana ki te hangarau rorohiko.