He pikitia o tētahi tangata, he mārama tonu te kite ko wai, engari kua miramira, kua whakanuia tētahi āhuatanga kōhure ōna, pērā i tōna ihu, i te āhua rānei o tōna tinana.
A picture of a person where although it is clear who the person is, a prominent aspect of their appearance has been highlighted or exaggerated, such as their nose or the shape of their body.
whakaahua - image, representation
kiri - person, self
paki - story, anecdote, fiction
I te nuinga o te wā, e whāia ana kia ngahau te whakaahua kiripaki.
Whakaarohia tētahi āhuatanga o te Pirimia hei whakaatu, hei whakanui i roto i tana whakaahua kiripaki.
E mōhio ana koe ko wai te whakaahua kiripaki nei?