Te Reo Matatini



tūingoa, tūāhua, tūmahi


Ko te whiriwhiri i te tangi e hāngai ana ki ngā tohu tuhi o te reo, pērā i ngā pū. He tūhono i te tohu ki te puakitanga oro e tika ana. Ahakoa te mōhio ki te weteoro me te pānui tika i te kupu, kāore tonu pea i te mōhio ki te tikanga o te kupu.

Working out the sounds associated with the written symbols of the language, such as the letters. The matching of a symbol with the correct enunciation of its sound. The ability to decode and read a word correctly may not necessarily mean that the word is understood.

Tauira KŌrero

He pai ana pūkenga weteoro, ko te hīkoi tuatahi tērā ki te pānui.

Ko te ako i te arapū o te reo te mahi tuatahi hei hāpai i ngā pūkenga weteoro.

He aha ētahi ngohe hei whakapakari i ngā pūkenga weteoro o ngā ākonga?

Takenga Mai

wete - to untie, unravel

oro - sound

oro (oromotu) - phoneme

Tauira KŌrero

He pai ana pūkenga weteoro, ko te hīkoi tuatahi tērā ki te pānui.

Ko te ako i te arapū o te reo te mahi tuatahi hei hāpai i ngā pūkenga weteoro.

He aha ētahi ngohe hei whakapakari i ngā pūkenga weteoro o ngā ākonga?