He ara whakaako tuhituhi, inā ka whakawhitiwhiti whakaaro te pouako me te rōpū ākonga mō ngā rautaki tuhituhi e hāngai ana, ngā kupu motuhake e hāngai ana ki te kaupapa o te tuhituhi, me te momo reo e hāngai ana (pēnā he reo ōkawa, he reo ōpaki, he reo kakare rānei). I ētahi wā, ka whakatauirahia e te pouako te tukanga tuhituhi.
An approach to the teaching of writing, where the teacher and students discuss appropriate writing strategies, specialist terminology relating to the writing topic, and the type of language that is appropriate (such as formal, informal, emotive). Sometimes the teacher will also model the writing process.
arahanga (arahi) - to lead; arahanga - bridge, ladder
Kāore i tua atu i te tuhi arahanga hei whakahihiko i ngā ākonga ki ā rātou mahi tuhituhi.
He wāhi kei roto i te tuhi arahanga hei whakatauira mā te pouako i ngā āhuatanga reo e hāngai ana ki te kaupapa o te tuhituhi.
Ko te tuhi arahanga tētahi rautaki whakaako e tū ai te ākonga ā tōna wā hei kaituhi motuhake.