He tangata, he kaupapa, he mea kē atu rānei e noho ana ki te takiwā kāore e tika ana mōna. I te nuinga o te wā, nō mua engari ka kōrerohia ānō nei e hāngai ana ki ināianei tonu.
A person, initiative or thing which exists in a setting other than its correct or natural one. Usually it is something from an earlier time which is referred to as if it applies in the present.
hanga - thing
nō - of, belonging to
wā - time
kē - different
Ā tōna wā pea ka riro ko te pukapuka he hanga nō wā kē, inā te horapa haere o te rorohiko me te īpukapuka.
He hanga nō wā kē te pēneti, kāore e kitea ana i ēnei wā.
He hanga nō wā kē te whakamahi i te kupu 'māhita', inā he rerekē te āhua o te mahi tahi a te pouako me te ākonga i ēnei rā.