Te Reo Matatini

huritao takamuri


tūingoa, tūmahi whiti


Ko tētahi o ngā rautaki hei hanga māramatanga mā te ākonga ki tāna i pānui ai, tāna i mātaki ai, tāna i rongo ai rānei. I te mahi huritao takamuri, ka āta whakaarohia ngā kupu me ngā āhuatanga reo pērā i te kīpeha, ā, ka honoa te kaupapa ki ngā wheako whaiaro o te ākonga, otirā ki ōna ake mōhiotanga.

A strategy for a learner to gain understanding about what they have read, viewed or heard. Review involves thinking about the words and other aspects of the language used in the text, such as figurative expressions, and also linking the topic of the text to the student’s personal experiences and prior knowledge.

Tauira KŌrero

Ko te huritao takamuri te mahi a te rōpū ināianei, arā, he whakawhitiwhiti whakaaro mō te pukapuka kua oti nei te pānui.

Ko tā te huritao takamuri, he whakaū i ētahi āhuatanga o te reo o roto i te pukapuka.

He akoranga wetereo tētahi wāhanga o te huritao takamuri.

Takenga Mai

huritao - to consider, reflect on

taka - to come around, as a date or period of time

muri - behind, after


tiro takamuri

Tauira KŌrero

Ko te huritao takamuri te mahi a te rōpū ināianei, arā, he whakawhitiwhiti whakaaro mō te pukapuka kua oti nei te pānui.

Ko tā te huritao takamuri, he whakaū i ētahi āhuatanga o te reo o roto i te pukapuka.

He akoranga wetereo tētahi wāhanga o te huritao takamuri.