He kaupae i roto i te ara ako tuhituhi. I tēnei kaupae, kua mau i te ākonga ngā pūkenga tuhituhi me ngā pūkenga waihanga kōrero, ā, kua taunga ki te tukanga tuhituhi. Ka taea e te kaituhi motuhake te mahi i tōna kotahi, he iti noa iho te arataki a te pouako.
A stage in the pathway of learning to write, where the student has mastered the skills of writing and constructing written text, and is familiar with the writing process. An independent writer is able to work by themselves with little input from the teacher.
▾motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone
kaituhi tūtahi
Kua eke a Wiremu ki te taumata o te tuhi kōrero, ka taea te kī he kaituhi motuhake ia.
Ko tētahi āhuatanga o te kaituhi motuhake, ko tana ngākaunui ki te tuhituhi.
E tino koke ana ngā pūkenga tuhituhi a Tema, kāore e roa kua tū hei kaituhi motuhake.