Ko te huinga pū ka whakamahia hei tuhi i te reo. He oro motuhake tō tēnā pū, tō tēnā, ka kīia he oromotu, ā, koia te āhuatanga matua i roto i te whakahuatanga o te reo. Mā ngā pū o te reo e hangaia ai ōna kupu.
The set of letters used to write a language. Each letter has a unique sound. These sounds are called phonemes and are the main determinants in the pronunciation of the language. Words are created from the letters of a language.
Tuhia te arapū o te reo Māori.
He aha te pū whakamutunga o te arapū?
Nāna tētahi waiata i tito hei āwhina i te kōhungahunga ki te ako i te arapū.