He kōrero poto ka tuhia ki te hiku o tētahi whārangi, ki te mutunga o te pukapuka, o ngā wāhanga rānei o te pukapuka. Ko tā te kupu āpiti, he whakaatu i te takenga mai o tētahi kī horipū i te puku o te tuhinga, i te tohutoro o tētahi puna kōrero, i tētahi tāpiritanga kupu whakamārama rānei. Ka tauria ngā kupu āpiti.
A short piece of text which is written in the footer of a page (footnote) or at the end of a book or book chapters (endnote). The purpose is to show the origin of a quote used in the main body of text, the reference for a source of information, or an additional explanatory note. The footnotes (or endnotes) are numbered.
āpiti - in addition, supplement, append
kupu tāpiri
Titiro ki te kupu āpiti nama toru, koia te pukapuka i takea mai ai ngā kōrero a taua mātanga.
I ētahi pukapuka, ki te mutunga o ia wāhanga whakanōhia ai ngā kupu āpiti, i ētahi, ki te hiku o ia whārangi.
Ko ngā tuhinga kura wānanga te momo e kitea nuitia ana te kupu āpiti.