Ko ngā oro motuhake takitahi e hāngai ana ki ia pū o te reo. Mā te whakaemi oromotu e hua mai ai he kupu. Hei tauira, e whā ngā oromotu i te kupu ‘kaitā’ – ko ērā e hāngai ana ki te ‘k’, te ‘ai’, te ‘t’ me te ‘ā’. Ka kīia te tuhinga o te oromotu, he orotuhi. He orotuhi te ‘k’, te ‘ai’, te ‘t’ me te ‘ā’ o roto i te kupu 'kaitā'.
The distinct units of sound represented by the letters in a language’s alphabet. Phonemes are combined to form words. For example the word ‘kaitā’ consists of four phonemes – those associated with the ‘k’, the ‘ai’, the ‘t’ and the ‘ā’. The written representation of a phoneme is called a grapheme. ‘k’, ‘ai’, ‘t’ and ‘ā’ are the graphemes of the word 'kaitā'.
oro - sound
motu - separated
Whakahuatia mai ngā oromotu o tēnei kupu.
Ko te aroā oromotu tētahi āhuatanga tōmua hei ako i ngā wiki tuatahi o te kura.
E mōhio ana ia ki ngā oromotu katoa o te reo.