Ko te whakataha i tētahi oro o roto i tētahi kupu, i tētahi rerenga kupu rānei, ko te tūhono rānei i ētahi oro e rua kia ngātahi te whakahua.
The omission of a sound in a word or string of words, or the linking of two sounds and pronouncing them as one.
▾oro - sound; naki - glide smoothly
He aha ētahi oronaki e tino rangona ana i te reo Māori?
Ko te oronaki tētahi peka o roto i te mātai weteoro.
Mēnā ka rangona te oronaki i ngā wāhi e tika ana i te tangata e pānui ā-waha ana, he tohu tērā o te matatau.