He ara, he rautaki whakaako pānui, inā ko te arataki a te pouako i āna ākonga ki te pānui tuhinga. Ko tā te pouako he whakatauira i te rere o te kupu, i te ihiihi me te hā o te reo. I tua atu i te pānui, ko te matapaki i te kaupapa o te pukapuka, te āhua o te tuhinga, me te tukanga pānui. Arā te rite o te pānui ngātahi me te pānui arahanga, engari he kaha ake te arataki a te pouako i te pānui ngātahi.
A technique or strategy for teaching reading whereby the teacher leads and involves students in reading a text. The teacher models the flow of words, and the appropriate expression and intonation. In addition to reading, the topic of the text is discussed, the way it is written, as well as the reading process. Shared reading and guided reading are similar, however the teacher’s role is more prominent in shared reading.