He rārangitanga whai i te arapū, e whakaatu ana i ngā kaupapa, i ngā ingoa, i te aha kē atu rānei o roto i tētahi pukapuka pono. Ka tuhia ki te mutunga o te pukapuka, ā, ka tohua ngā whārangi kei reira ngā kōrero e hāngai ana.
An alphabetical list of the subjects, names or other such features contained within a work of non-fiction. It is written at the end of the book and shows the page numbers where the relevant information can be found.
kupu - word
tohu - guide, direct
Tirohia te kuputohu hei āwhina i a koe ki te kimi i ngā kōrero e rapu nā koe.
Ki tā te kuputohu, kei te whārangi toru tekau mā rima ngā kōrero mō te hauora o tō tātou awa.
Kāore i kitea tana ingoa i te kuputohu, ahakoa he kōrero mōna kei roto i te pukapuka.