He pātai ka tukuna noa ki te takiwā, me te kore pea e puta tētahi whakahokinga. Ka tukuna pea te pātai hei whakawhere i te hunga whakarongo, hei whakaaroaro mā rātou, engari karekau pea he whakautu, e mōhiotia kētia ana rānei te whakautu.
A question that is floated without expectation that it will be answered. The question is asked in order to persuade the listeners, or for consideration by them, but there may not be an answer, or the answer may already be widely known.
Kāti te tuku ui makihoi mai.
Ka whai tikanga te ui makihoi i runga anō i te horopaki o te kōrero.
He aha ētahi tauira o te ui makihoi i tēnei whakaari?