I tēnei momo, kāore te kaikōrero me te kaiwhakarongo, te kaituhi me te kaipānui rānei, e whai tūranga i roto i ngā kōrero. Ka mātua whakamahia ngā tūkapi pērā i te 'ia', i te 'rāua' me te 'rātou', me ngā pūriro pēnei i te 'tana', i te 'tō rāua', me te 'ā rātou'.
In this form, the speaker and listener, or the writer and reader do not have a position within the text. Pronouns such as 'ia', 'rāua' and 'rātou' are primarily used, as are the possessives such as 'tana', 'tō rāua', and 'ā rātou'.
kiri - person
tū - position
rā - indicating location some distance away from the speaker and listener