Ko te whāinga me te whakamahinga o ngā tikanga ahurea e te rāwaho ki taua ahurea. He momo whānako mēnā he tangata, he whakahaere rānei o te ahurea whakatuanui e whakamahi ana i ngā āhuatanga o te ahurea o te iwi taketake, ā, kāore i whakaaetia e te iwi taketake. Inā te tāmitanga a te iwi whakatuanui i te iwi taketake i ngā tau ki muri.
The adoption and use of cultural elements by an outsider to the culture. It is seen as a form of theft or misappropriation if a person or institution from the dominant culture uses cultural elements from the indigenous culture without permission, given the previous colonisation of the indigenous people by the dominant culture.
pāhao - to borrow, acquire stealthily
tikanga - custom
pāhao ahurea
He pāhao tikanga te mahi a te hunga o tāwāhi e haka mai rā i te ipurangi.
He aha ētahi tauira o te pāhao tikanga Māori a te Kāwanatanga i Aotearoa?
Ko te kaupapa o te tautohetohe, 'He momo whakamihi tēnei mea te pāhao tikanga'.