He tangata i pakeke mai i roto i tōna hapori reo, mai i tana whānautanga, nō reira he matatau, he reretau tōna reo kōrero, he mōhio ki ngā kīrehu, he mōhio hoki ki ngā tikanga ahurea o te reo.
A person who has grown up from birth within their own language group, and is therefore a proficient and fluent speaker, with knowledge of idiom and the cultural conventions of the language.
arero - tongue
ūkaipō - mother, source of sustenance, real home
He arero ūkaipō ia nā te mea i pakeke mai i ngā rekereke o tōna koroua, engari ko tōna teina, he arero reorua.
Waiho mā te arero ūkaipō e tohu ngā kupu e hāngai ana ki te kaupapa nei.
Ahakoa ia i ako i te reo Māori hei reo tuarua mōna, ānō nei he arero ūkaipō.