Ko te tautohetohe o roto i te hinengaro o te tangata ka hua ake i ētahi whakaaro tauaro e rua, nui ake rānei, i ētahi waiaro rerekē, whakapono kūraruraru rānei. He wā anō ka hua ake te hirikapo taupatupatu i te kore o tētahi akoranga hou i noho tau i te taha o mātauranga kē atu kua mau kē ki te hinengaro.
The contention within a person's mind which arises from two or more opposing ideas, different values or conflicting beliefs. Cognitive dissonance can also arise when new learning conflicts with a person's existing knowledge.
hirikapo - mind, intellect
taupatupatu - to vie with one another, call into question
He aha te hirikapo taupatupatu ka hua ake i tēnei kitenga hou o ngā mātanga pūtaiao e pā ana ki te mahana haere o te ao?
Ki ētahi, he hirikapo taupatupatu te whakapono Karaitiana me te ū anō ki ngā atua Māori.
Ko te painga o te hirikapo taupatupatu, ko te wānanga tonu a te tangata i tāna e whakapono ana.