Ko te oreorenga o te hinengaro ki te rapu whakaaro, ki te whakaputa whakaaro e hāngai ana ki te kaupapa e akohia ana. Koia ko ngā momo whakaaro tūārangi, pērā i te tātari, i te arotake, me te kōtuitui, kāore te ako ā-kākā noa iho i te kōrero a tētahi atu, i te meka rānei.
The stimulation of the mind to investigate and come up with ideas relevant to the topic being learnt. This typically involves higher order thinking sucn as analysing, evaluating and synthesising, rather than mere rote learning facts or someone else's account.
hirikapo - mind, intellect
wero hinengaro
He māmā noa iho te mahi ki ēnei tamariki, karekau he paku wero hirikapo.
He wero hirikapo āna pātai – me āta whiriwhiri ngā taha katoa.