Ko tētahi o ngā rautaki hei hanga māramatanga mā te ākonga ki tāna e pānui ana. Hei tauira o te huritao takamua, ko te whai whakaaro o te kaipānui ki te ingoa o te pukapuka, ngā pikitia, ngā upoko me ngā ihirangi.
A strategy for a learner to gain understanding about what they are reading. Preview involves thinking about things like the title of the book, the illustrations, headings and contents.
huritao - to consider, reflect on
taka - come round as a date or period of time
mua - before, ahead
tiro takamua
Ko tā te huritao takamua, he tirotiro, he whakawhitiwhiti kōrero mō te pukapuka e pānuihia ana.
Ko te huritao takamua tētahi wāhanga o te pānui arahanga.
I te huritao takamua, ka matapaetia ngā mahi ka hua ake i te paki.