I tēnei momo, ka whai tūranga te kaiwhakarongo, te kaipānui rānei i roto i ngā kōrero. Arā, ko te kaiwhakarongo/kaipānui kei roto i te kaupapa o te kōrero. Ka mātua whakamahia ngā tūkapi pērā i te 'koe', i te 'kōrua' me te 'koutou', me ngā pūriro pēnei i te 'tō', i te 'tō kōrua' me te 'ā koutou'.
In this form, the listener or reader has a position within the text. The listener/reader is part of the narrative. Pronouns such as 'koe', 'kōrua' and 'koutou' are primarily used, as are the possessives such as 'tō', 'tō kōrua' and 'ā koutou'.
kiri - person
tū - position
nā - indicating location connected with listener or reader
He aha i kīia ai he kōrero kiritūnā tēnei?
Rangona ai te kōrero kiritūnā i roto i ētahi whakataukī, pērā i te 'Whāia e koe te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe me he maunga teitei'.
Ko te reta tētahi momo e tino kitea ana te kōrero kiritūnā, inā e kōrero tōtika ana te kaituhi ki te kaipānui.