Ko te whakamahi i ētahi reo e rua hei whakaako i te marautanga o te kura. He maha ngā whakaritenga rerekē o te mātauranga reorua, ko te mea matua ko te wāhi ki tēnā reo, ki tēnā reo.
The use of two languages in teaching the school curriculum. There are many different implementations of bilingual education, with the main consideration being the place of each language.
Nōnahea te mātauranga reorua i tīmata ai i Aotearoa?
Ahakoa e kīia ana he kura e whai ana i te mātauranga reorua, ko te whakatinanatanga he iti noa iho te kōrerotia o te reo Māori e te hunga pouako.
Ko te kura rumaki te puāwaitanga o te mātauranga reorua.