I tēnei momo, ka whai tūranga te kaikōrero, te kaituhi rānei i roto i āna kōrero. Arā, ka kōrero te kaikōrero/kaituhi mōna anō (me ētahi atu pea). Ka mātua whakamahia ngā tūkapi pērā i te 'au', i te 'māua' me te 'mātou', me ngā pūriro pēnei i te 'taku', i te 'tō māua' me te 'ā mātou'.
In this form the speaker or writer has a position within their text. The speaker/writer talks about themselves (and possibly others as well). Pronouns such as 'au', 'māua' and 'mātou' are primarily used, as are the possessives such as 'taku', 'tō māua' and 'ā mātou'.
kiri - person
tū - position
nei - indicating location connected with speaker or writer