He rārangi kupu e pā ana ki te kōrero ā-tuhi, me te taha whakaako i ēnei kaupapa.
A vocabulary list relating to written texts, including the teaching of these topics.
features of (written) text
āhuatanga whakanahanaha (o te tuhinga) Tūingoa
organisational feature (of written text) (takenga mai: nahanaha - be well arranged, in good order, systematic)
āhukahuka (ki te kupu) ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
(word) recognition
āmiki ~a Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua, Tūkē
to tell a story in detail
writing framework, writing template (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework, organisation)
utopia (takenga mai: houkura - be prosperous, peaceful)
dystopia (takenga mai: hou - to enter; mate - sick, unwell, misfortune, calamity)
supplement (takenga mai: āpiti - in addition, supplement)
appendix (takenga mai: āpiti - in addition, supplement)
space, gap (between words and lines of text)
phonics (takenga mai: ara whakaako - teaching pathway; wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound)
whole language method, whole language pedagogy
media (takenga mai: ara - pathway; pāho - to be heard abroad as news)
mainstream media
digital media
mass media
alphabet (kupu kē atu: wakapū)
main idea
ariari Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
unambiguous (takenga mai: ariari - clear, obvious, apparent)
be comprehended, comprehension, comprehend, be aware
phonemic awareness (takenga mai: oro - sound; motu - separated)
phonological awareness (takenga mai: wete - untie, unravel; oro - sound)
literary criticism
aromatawai pānui haere Tūingoa
running record assessment for reading (kupu kē atu: tātaringa pānui)
meaning (kupu kē atu: tikanga)
peer group (takenga mai: aropā - clump of one species of tree)
peer review, peer evaluation (takenga mai: aropā - clump of trees of one species; aropā - peer group)
literature review (kupu kē atu: tātaritanga mātākōrero)
aroturuki whaiaro (i te reo) Tūingoa, Tūmahi
self-monitor (language) (takenga mai: aroturuki - monitor; whaiaro - self, person)
āta tirotiro ~hia Tūmahi Whiti
check (kupu kē atu: hihira)
Snapchat (takenga mai: ata - image, form; paki - story)
emoji (takenga mai: ata - form, shape, semblence, icon; pā - touch; tuhi - write; pātuhi - text) (kupu kē atu: pūatahanga)
auaha ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi
creative, creativity, innovative
automatic, automaticity (takenga mai: au - current; noa - spontaneously)
creative license
intonation, tone, inflection (kupu kē atu: wairua, tangi)
student voice (takenga mai: hā - essence, tenor [of a speech]) (kupu kē atu: [te] whakaaro o te ākonga, [te] reo ake o te ākonga)
author's voice (takenga mai: hā - essence, tenor [of a speech]) (kupu kē atu: [te] whakaaro o te kaituhi, [te] reo ake o te kaituhi)
falling intonation
haiku (poem) (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Hapanihi].)
shape of a word
error, fault, miscue
rising intonation
monotone (takenga mai: hā - intonation; tahi - one)
procedure (kupu kē atu: aramahi)
writing style (takenga mai: hā - essence, taste, tenor [of a speech]; tuhi - write) (kupu kē atu: tāera o te tuhituhi [he kupu mino])
stress, accent
editorial (takenga mai: hau - to be heard, spread [news]; ētita [kupu mino] - editor)
secondary stress
primary stress
blog (takenga mai: hau [hautaka] - journal; hau - be heard, published, report; hiko [matihiko] - digital; hiko - electronic) (kupu kē atu: rangitaki)
haukaha, whakahaukaha ~tia Tūmahi
strengthen, bolster (kupu kē atu: whakakaha)
autobiography (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; kiri - person, self; haurongo - biography) (kupu kē atu: haurongo whaiaro)
haukume Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi
bias, biased (takenga mai: haukume - to pull) (kupu kē atu: rītaha)
ream of paper (takenga mai: haupū - gather into a heap)
haurapa kōrero Tūingoa, Tūmahi
journalism (takenga mai: haurapa - to search for diligently, probe)
photojournalism (takenga mai: haurapa - to search for diligently, probe; whakaahua - photograph, image; haurapa kōrero - journalism)
biography (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; rongo - report, fame)
journal (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad, report; taka - come around as in a date or period of time)
footer (takenga mai: hiku - tail, rear)
dust cover, dust jacket (takenga mai: hīpoki - covering)
meaningful context
huānga (o te kohinga pukapuka) Tūingoa
volume (from within a set of books) (takenga mai: huānga - relative, member of the same hapū)
huinga (tānga putuputu) Tūingoa
volume (of periodicals)
readership, audience (of readers) (kupu kē atu: minenga, whakaminenga)
huritao takamua Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
preview (takenga mai: huritao - to consider, reflect on; taka - come round as a date or period of time; mua - before, ahead) (kupu kē atu: tiro takamua)
huritao takamuri Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
review (takenga mai: huritao - to consider, reflect on; taka - to come around, as a date or period of time; muri - behind, after) (kupu kē atu: tiro takamuri)
expressive, expressiveness
contents (of a book) (takenga mai: ihi - separate, divide; rangi [rārangi] - list) (kupu kē atu: ngā kai o roto)
moral, essence (takenga mai: iho - heart, essence, pith)
e-portfolio, electronic portfolio, digital portfolio (takenga mai: ī - ko te whakawhitinga o te 'e' [mō te electronic] mai i te reo Ingarihi; kōpaki - envelope) (kupu kē atu: pūkete matihiko, īkete, kōpaki matihiko)
title, name
subtitle (kupu kē atu: ingoa mātāmuri)
pen name, pseudonym, nom de plume (takenga mai: ingoa - name; tā - to print, write; tā - quill of a feather)
e-book, electronic book, digital book (takenga mai: ī - ko te whakawhitinga o te 'e' [mō te electronic] mai i te reo Ingarihi) (kupu kē atu: puka matihiko, īpuka)
blurb, teaser (takenga mai: kāhakihaki - to pull, attract, entice) (kupu kē atu: kupu whakapoapoa)
peer reviewer (takenga mai: aropā - peer group; aropā - clump of one species of tree)
journalist (kupu kē atu: kaikawe kōrero)
independent reader (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone) (kupu kē atu: kaipānui tūtahi)
early reader, emergent reader
proofreader (kupu kē atu: kanohi hōmiromiro)
printer (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; tā - to print)
writer, author, scribe (kupu kē atu: ringatuhi)
independent writer (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone) (kupu kē atu: kaituhi tūtahi)
early writer, emergent writer
provocateur (takenga mai: whakapātari - to challenge, provoke)
scene (in a play) (takenga mai: kāpeka - branch of a tree)
climax (takenga mai: karamata - pinnacle, high point, peak)
karapa whakamuri Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
flashback (takenga mai: karapa - to glance, peek, scan; whakamuri - backwards)
kārawarawa ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi
punctuate, punctuation (takenga mai: kārawarawa -division, subdivision; kārawarawa - mark of a stripe) (kupu kē atu: tohutuhi)
genre (kupu kē atu: momo )
sub-theme (kupu kē atu: kaupapa mātāmuri)
sight vocabulary (takenga mai: āhukahuka - to recognise)
receptive vocabulary, passive vocabulary (takenga mai: torohū - be latent)
productive vocabulary
quote, quotation, direct speech (takenga mai: kī - to say, speak; horipū - direct) (kupu kē atu: kī takitaki)
indirect speech, reported speech (takenga mai: kī - to say, speak; tāhapa - not in the direct line [of whakapapa])
anonymous, anonymity (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; muna - be confidential, secret)
archetype, archetypical (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; mūrau - a person cited as a noteable example, byword)
character (takenga mai: puaki - reveal, come forth)
protagonist (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; toa - champion, courageous)
antagonist (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; toa - champion, courageous; riri - battle, fight)
palindrome (takenga mai: kōaro - be inverted, turned right around; rite - to resemble, be alike)
collection (of literary works)
flap (of a book) (takenga mai: kopa - to be folded; kopa - satchel [with a flap lid])
portfolio (takenga mai: kōpaki - envelope) (kupu kē atu: pūkete)
writing portfolio (takenga mai: kōpaki - envelope) (kupu kē atu: pūkete tuhituhi)
fullstop (tohu: .) (kupu kē atu: irakati, tongi)
semicolon (tohu: ;) (takenga mai: kopi - fullstop; piko - comma) (kupu kē atu: irapiko)
colon (tohu: :) (takenga mai: kopi - fullstop; rua - two) (kupu kē atu: irarua)
information (kupu kē atu: pārongo)
kōrero ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūmahi Whiti
text, speech, discourse, prose, talk
kōrero (mō te) whakaputa Tūingoa
publishing information (kupu kē atu: taipitopito whakaputa)
written text, script, article (written) (kupu kē atu: tuhinga)
visual text (takenga mai: ataata [ata] - reflected image)
omitted text, omission, missing information (kupu kē atu: pārongo ngaro)
explicit information (takenga mai: mataaho - clear)
implicit information (takenga mai: mata - face, countenance; huna - conceal, hide)
main story, feature, cover story
factual information (kupu kē atu: pārongo pono)
important information (takenga mai: taikākā - heartwood) (kupu kē atu: pārongo hira, kōrero mātuatua)
less important information (takenga mai: taitea - sapwood)
fable, parable, folk tale (kupu kē atu: pakikīrehe)
repetitive text, repetitive speech
supporting information (kupu kē atu: pārongo hāpai, kōrero taunaki)
complex text (takenga mai: tuatini [tuatinitini] - with many parts, of many strands) (kupu kē atu: kōrero matatini)
abstract text (takenga mai: tū - in the manner of; rehurehu - indistinctly seen) (kupu kē atu: tuhinga waitara)
specific information (kupu kē atu: pārongo whāiti)
general information (kupu kē atu: pārongo whānui)
chorus, refrain
affix, affixation (takenga mai: kuhi - insert)
prefix (takenga mai: kū [kuhu] - insert; mua - in front of) (kupu kē atu: pīmua)
causative prefix
suffix (takenga mai: kū [kuhu] - insert; muri - behind, after) (kupu kē atu: pīmuri)
word, lyric
sight word
interest word, personally significant word (takenga mai: anganui - to face directly towards)
footnote, endnote (takenga mai: āpiti - in addition, supplement, append) (kupu kē atu: kupu tāpiri)
guide word
high frequency word (kupu kē atu: kupu pū noa)
innuendo (takenga mai: hā - tone, tenor; huna - to hide) (kupu kē atu: kī hāhuna)
new vocabulary
homonym, homograph (takenga mai: hua [whakahua] - pronounce; rite - be like)
minimal pair (takenga mai: hua [whakahua] - pronounce; tata - be close)
expressive word
emotive word (takenga mai: kakare – emotion, feeling, sentiment)
subject specific word, technical word, topic word, jargon (kupu kē atu: kupu whāiti)
content word (takenga mai: kiko - flesh, content, substance)
structural word, function word (takenga mai: kōiwi - bone) (kupu kē atu: kupu rangaranga)
academic vocabulary, academic word
loanword, transliteration (takenga mai: mino - to borrow) (kupu kē atu: kupu whakawhiti)
collocation (takenga mai: piritahi - to be together)
compound word, blended word
foreword (takenga mai: takamua - fore, front)
annotation (takenga mai: tāpiri - to add on, supplement, append)
keyword (takenga mai: tāpua - significant, to stand out)
note (takenga mai: tīpoka [tīpokapoka] - taking some and leaving some)
basic vocabulary
dedication (kupu kē atu: kupu whakamānawa)
euphemism (takenga mai: whakamauru – placatory, appeasing) (kupu kē atu: kupu whakangāwari)
propaganda (takenga mai: whakanewha - misrepresentation, deception, hoodwink)
preface (takenga mai: whakapuaki - to reveal, disclose, express)
intensifier (takenga mai: rīrā - strong)
introduction, prologue (takenga mai: whakataki - begin a speech or talk) (kupu kē atu: wāhinga)
general word, general term
buzzword (takenga mai: wheowheo - to buzz, hum, tingle)
word list (kupu kē atu: rārangi kupu)
index (takenga mai: kupu - word; tohu - guide, direct)
hypertext, hyperlink (takenga mai: toro - to visit, go and see)
infix (takenga mai: kū - [kuhi] - insert; waenga - the middle)
magazine (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: moheni [kupu mino])
independent activity (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone) (kupu kē atu: ngohe motuhake)
epitaph, song of affection for the dead (takenga mai: maimai - a type of lament for the dead; maimai aroha - expression or token of affection)
pointed question
māmā ki te pānui Tūingoa, Tūāhua
readable, readability (takenga mai: māmā - easy)
copyright (tohu: ©) (takenga mai: mana - authority; tārua - copy, duplicate) (kupu kē atu: manatā)
phonology (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine, investigate [field of study]; wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound)
literature (takenga mai: mātā - heap, layer; kōrero - text, prose)
predict, prediction
matapaki ā-rōpū Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
group talk, group discussion
matapaki takirua Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
partner talk, pair discussion
encyclopedia (takenga mai: mātā - heap, receptacle packed with preserved fish or birds; punenga - be clever, intelligent)
brochure, pamphlet, circular, leaflet, flyer (takenga mai: mātārere - forerunner, harbinger)
written literature (takenga mai: mātā [mātākōrero] - literature; mātā - heap, layer; tuhi - to write)
emergent literacy (takenga mai: pitomata [pito mata] - potential, literally the 'uncooked portion'.)
visual literacy
phonic knowledge (takenga mai: oro - sound; motu - separated)
learning need (takenga mai: matea - to be needed)
record, documentation (kupu kē atu: pūranga kōrero)
record of progress (takenga mai: koke - to move forward, progress)
fact, factual (takenga mai: meka - true)
positive feedback
prior knowledge (kupu kē atu: mātauranga o mua)
(written) text type, form of writing
mōrearea Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi
danger, predicament, crisis, endangered
eye movement
noho tapu Tūmahi Poro, Tūingoa, Tūāhua
embargoed, confidential (takenga mai: noho - remain; tapu - inaccessible, restricted, set apart)
nohopae Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
landscape (page format) (takenga mai: noho - to sit; pae - horizontal)
nohotū Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
portrait (page format) (takenga mai: noho - to sit; tū - upright)
indent (takenga mai: nuku - to move)
paragraph indent
right indent
left indent
hanging indent
newspaper (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: niupepa)
task, activity (kupu kē atu: mahi)
pre-reading activity (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; taka - to come around, as in a date or period of time; mua - in front of, before)
early reading activity (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; tō - belonging to, that of; mua - before, in front of)
pre-writing activity (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; taka - to come around, as a date or period of time; mua - in front of, before)
early writing activity (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; tō - belonging to, that of; mua - before, in front of)
dipthong (takenga mai: oro - sound; tōpū - assembled together, combined)
consonant digraph (takenga mai: pūrua - duplicate, do a second time)
phoneme (takenga mai: oro – sound; motu – separated)
elision (takenga mai: oro – sound; naki – glide smoothly)
short vowel
vowel digraph, vowel blend (takenga mai: pūrua - duplicate, do a second time)
long vowel (kupu kē atu: oropuare tō)
grapheme (takenga mai: oro - sound; tuhi - to write)
Instagram (takenga mai: pae - perch, bench; āhua [whakaahua] - image, photograph)
anthology (takenga mai: paenga - perch, place where things are heaped up) (kupu kē atu: tōpūtanga [kōrero])
pāhao ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
appropriate, to take (takenga mai: pāhao - borrow, acquire information stealthily)
digital broadcast
story, fiction, anecdote, yarn (kupu kē atu: kōrero paki, pakiwaitara)
prequel (takenga mai: paki - story; ahu - to move in a certain direction; mua - the past, the time before)
sequel (takenga mai: paki - story; ahu - to move in a certain direction; muri - after, the future)
historical fiction (takenga mai: aro - pay attention to, be inclined towards; nehe - ancient times) (kupu kē atu: paki hītori)
utopian fiction
dystopian fiction
erotic novel, erotic fiction
action and adventure (story genre) (takenga mai: mātātoa - be fearless, daring, intrepid)
fantasy (story genre)
science fiction (takenga mai: pohewa - fantasy; pūtaiao - science)
thriller (takenga mai: pohopā - in suspense)
mystery (story genre) (takenga mai: porehu - mysterious)
humour (story genre) (takenga mai: puku [pukukata] - laughing, hilarious; hohe [hohehohe] - wrinkled with laughter)
crime (story genre)
romance, love story
allegory (takenga mai: paki - story; whakarite - to make like, liken to, compare) (kupu kē atu: kupu tairite)
horror (story genre) (takenga mai: whakawehi - to frighten, horrify)
graphic novel (takenga mai: waituhi - painting; waituhi [pakiwaituhi] - cartoon, animation)
apostrophe (takenga mai: pakini - notch)
short story
classic story, classic (takenga mai: paki - story; tūroa - longstanding)
cartoon, comic strip (takenga mai: pakiwaitara - fiction story; tuhi - draw, adorn with painting)
masthead (takenga mai: pane - head)
pānui ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi
read, reading
newsletter (takenga mai: pānui - to announce, notify)
notice, announcement
pānui ā-waha Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
read aloud
guided reading
pānui hohoro Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
speed reading
reading fluency
early reading fluency
pānui motuhake Tūingoa, Tūmahi
independent reading (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone)
shared reading
pānui pārekareka Tūingoa, Tūmahi
read for enjoyment
emergent reading
pānui rapu mōhiotanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi
read for information
pānui ripiripi Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
skim read
pānui runaruna Tūingoa, Tūmahi
recreational reading (takenga mai: runaruna - pastime, hobby)
early reading
pānui tonu Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūmahi Poro
read on (kupu kē atu: pānui whakamua)
public notice, classified advertisement
silent reading (kupu kē atu: pānui nohopuku)
pānui wetewete Tūingoa, Tūmahi
close reading (takenga mai: wetewete - to untie, unravel)
nursery rhyme
dictionary (takenga mai: papa - box, chest; kupu - word)
layers of information (kupu kē atu: paparanga pārongo )
flip chart (takenga mai: papa - surface; tuhi - to write; hura - uncover)
interactive whiteboard (takenga mai: pāhekoheko - to combine, co-operate, interact)
justify (takenga mai: parahau - to defend, protect, justify)
open-ended question
word processing
pātuhi ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
text, texting (takenga mai: pā - to touch, strike; tuhi - to write)
comma (tohu: ,) (takenga mai: piko - bent, curved)
poho tārewa Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi
suspense (takenga mai: poho - chest, seat of affections; tārewa - to suspend, hang) (kupu kē atu: pohopā)
speech bubble (takenga mai: poihau - balloon)
thought bubble
protégé (takenga mai: poipoi - to nurture) (kupu kē atu: paruhi)
pōkai (tuhinga) Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
navigate (written text) (takenga mai: pōkai - travel about)
non-fiction (kupu kē atu: kōrero pono)
side bar, side column (takenga mai: pou - column; taha - side)
reading scale, reading progressions (kupu kē atu: āwhata pānui)
letter (of the alphabet)
reader (text for teaching reading)
concept book
rhyming book
tome (takenga mai: puka [pukapuka] - book; kūpara - large, heavy, substantial)
popup book (takenga mai: mārangaranga - to rise up, to bob up and down, popping up here and there)
audio book (takenga mai: oro - sound)
recipe book
chapter book
picture book
unpublished book (takenga mai: mataiti [tūmataiti] - private)
published book (takenga mai: matanui [tūmatanui] - public) (kupu kē atu: pukapuka whakaputa)
textbook (takenga mai: matua - main, principal) (kupu kē atu: pukamatua)
modelling book
reference book (takenga mai: puka - book; tara [papatara] - storehouse; tara [whakatara] - invoke, consult)
body (of a book)
word processing software, word processing program (takenga mai: pūmanawa [pūmanawa rorohiko] - computer software)
spellchecker (takenga mai: pūmanawa [pūmanawa rorohiko] - computer software)
capital letter, upper case
source of information
multiple sources of information
lexicon (takenga mai: puna - spring [of water], well)
orthography, orthographic system
episode (takenga mai: puni [punipuni] - brood, litter, set of offspring)
trilogy (takenga mai: puni [punipuni] - brood, litter, offspring; punipuni [kōrero] - series [of literary works]; takitoru - in threes)
quartet (of literary works) (takenga mai: puni [punipuni] - brood, litter, offspring; punipuni [kōrero] - series [of literary works]; takiwhā - in fours)
series (of literary works) (takenga mai: punipuni - brood, litter, set of offspring)
legend, traditional story
printing machine, printer
small letter, lower case
report (takenga mai: pūrongorongo - tell news, report) (kupu kē atu: rīpoata [kupu mino])
limited edition (takenga mai: kōtahitahi - be few) (kupu kē atu: putanga whāiti)
revised edition, new edition
corpus (takenga mai: putunga - heap, pile, stack) (kupu kē atu: putunga kōrero)
(te) rangaranga (o te) kōrero Tūingoa
structure of text, text structure (takenga mai: rangaranga - structure of a speech etc) (kupu kē atu: hanganga)
rārangi ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
catalogue, list
questionnaire (takenga mai: rārangi - list; pātai - question) (kupu kē atu: rārangi uiui, patapatai)
bibliography (takenga mai: rārangi - list; puna - spring [of water, well]; kōrero - information) (kupu kē atu: rārangi pukapuka, rārangi tohutoro)
checklist (kupu kē atu: rārangi hihira)
reference catalogue, list of references
conflict (kupu kē atu: raruraru)
diary (takenga mai: rā - day; taka - come around as a date or period of time)
personal journal (takenga mai: rā - day; taka - come around, as a date or period of time; rātaka - diary; whaiaro - self)
alphabetical order
leaf, sheet (of paper) (takenga mai: rau - leaf; pepa - paper)
comprehension strategy
reading strategy
decoding strategy (takenga mai: wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound; oro [oromotu] - phoneme)
rautaki whai māramatanga Tūingoa
processing strategy
rautaki whakamatara kupu Tūingoa
word solving strategy, word attack strategy (takenga mai: whakamatara - to unravel, untie)
oral language, verbal language, spoken language
visual language (kupu kē atu: reo ā-tā)
emotive language
hypertext mark up language, HTML (whakapotonga: HTML) (takenga mai: reo - language; kupu - word; toro - to visit, call on)
written language
letter (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
formal letter
personal letter (takenga mai: whaiaro - person, self)
editor (kupu kē atu: ētita [kupu mino])
scribe, writer
slash (tohu: /) (takenga mai: rītaha - to lean on one side)
forward slash (tohu: /)
backslash, reverse slash (tohu: \)
stop press, breaking news (takenga mai: rongo - tidings,report, news; inamata - immediately)
news (takenga mai: rongo - tidings, report, fame)
international news
rongo kōrero o te haukāinga Tūingoa
local news
rongo kōrero o te motu Tūingoa
national news
free verse poem (kupu kē atu: toikupu māhorahora)
ballad (takenga mai: ruri - poem; paki - story)
acrostic poem (takenga mai: ruri - poem; rārangi - to line up; pū - letter of the alphabet) (kupu kē atu: toikupu rārangipū)
shape poem (kupu kē atu: toikupu whai āhua)
student voice (takenga mai: hā - essence, tenor [of a speech]) (kupu kē atu: [te] whakaaro o te ākonga, [te] reo ake o te ākonga)
author's voice (takenga mai: hā - essence, tenor [of a speech]) (kupu kē atu: [te] whakaaro o te kaituhi, [te] reo ake o te kaituhi)
shape of a word
(te) rangaranga (o te) kōrero Tūingoa
structure of text, text structure (takenga mai: rangaranga - structure of a speech etc) (kupu kē atu: hanganga)
centrefold (takenga mai: tahora - to spread out, lay out; whārangi tahora - double spread; waenga - middle)
sub-plot (kupu kē atu: tāhū mātāmuri)
sequential plot, linear narrative
non-sequential plot, non-linear narrative (takenga mai: whakahipahipa - irregular)
phonemic environment
brackets, parentheses (takenga mai: taiapa - to fence off)
turning point (takenga mai: tai - a prefix which has a qualifying force; huri - to turn)
detailed information
publishing details
takatā ~ngia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
edit (takenga mai: taka - to prepare; tā - to print, publish) (kupu kē atu: ētita [kupu mino], whakatika)
purpose (of text)
historical recount
creative recount
imaginative recount (takenga mai: pohewa - to imagine, fancy, fantasize)
factual recount
personal recount
takirua ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
retell (takenga mai: taki - to recite; rua - two)
setting (takenga mai: takiwā - territory, space, time, period)
takotoranga (whārangi) Tūingoa
(page) layout
tāmiramira ~hia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
bold (takenga mai: tā - to print; miramira - give prominence to, emphasise)
tāmuramura Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
highlight (takenga mai: tā - to print; muramura - colourful, bright, vivid)
tānekeneke pū Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
kern, kerning (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; nekeneke - move about, manoeuvre; pū - letter)
tānekeneke rārangi Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
leading (takenga mai: tā- causative prefix; nekeneke - move about, manoeuvre)
reprint, reprinted editon
digital copy
paper copy, hard copy
periodical (takenga mai: tānga [tā] - to print; putuputu - frequently)
label (takenga mai: tapa - to call, name)
tapepe Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
falter, stumble (of language)
tārai kiripuaki ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi
characterise, characterisation (takenga mai: tārai - to fashion, shape, sculpt; kiripuaki - character)
tāraro ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
underline (takenga mai: tā - to print; raro - under)
tārua ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
copy, duplicate (takenga mai: tārua - repeat any process; tā - to print; rua - two) (kupu kē atu: pūrua)
tārua whānako Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
plagiarise, plagiarism (takenga mai: tārua - copy; whānako - to steal)
typography (takenga mai: tātai - arrange, set in order, deck out, beautify)
tātaki (kupu) ~na Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
spell, spelling (takenga mai: taki - recite, lead, bring along)
miscue analysis
resolution, denouement (takenga mai: tatū - to be settled, agreed)
statement, declaration
draft (kupu kē atu: tuhinga hukihuki)
intonation pattern
writing sample, sample text
taumata pānui motuhake Tūingoa
independent reading level (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone)
taumata pānui whakaako Tūingoa
instructional reading level
taumata pānui whakararu Tūingoa
frustration reading level
taunaki ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
evidence, support with evidence
tautohe ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi
argument, argue, contend (kupu kē atu: taukumekume, taupatupatu, tautohetohe, tohe)
tautohu ~a ~nga Tūmahi Whiti, Tūingoa
identify, identification (takenga mai: tautohu - to identify, locate)
tautuhi ~a Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
define, specify, indicate
parody (takenga mai: tāwhai - to imitate, impersonate, mimic; pūhohe - mocking, laughing, cynical)
alignment (of text)
Twitter (takenga mai: tīhau - twittering, chirping)
tika Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
accurate, correct, accuracy
literal meaning (kupu kē atu: tikanga more)
writing convention, print convention
tīpako ~na Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
excerpt, extract, passage, select, selection (takenga mai: tīpako - to pick out, highlight, select)
view, lens, point of view, perspective
overview, outline (takenga mai: tiro - to view, look at; whānui - in general, broad, wide)
column (takenga mai: tīwae - to divide, separate) (kupu kē atu: pou)
visual cue
contextual cue
tīwhiri tātai tuhituhi Tūingoa
typographical cue
syntactical cue (takenga mai: tīwhiri - clue; tātaikupu - syntax; tātai - to arrange, set in order)
semantic cue (takenga mai: tīwhiri - clue; tikanga - meaning [of a word], definition) (kupu kē atu: tīwhiri aronga)
symbol, symbolise
punctuation symbol
literary award
question mark (tohu: ?)
hyphen (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; hono - to join) (kupu kē atu: tohuwehe)
speech mark, quotation mark (tohu: " " ' ') (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; kī - to say) (kupu kē atu: tohu kōrero)
exclamation mark (tohu: !) (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; oho - awaken) (kupu kē atu: tohuhā)
macron (takenga mai: tohu - symbol, mark; tō - to drag, pull)
reference, citation (takenga mai: tohu - to mark, point out, show; toro - to explore, probe, visit)
hyphen (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; wehe - to separate) (kupu kē atu: tohuhono)
dash (tohu: –) (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; whai - to follow, pursue) (kupu kē atu: tā)
en dash (tohu: -) (kupu kē atu: tāpoto)
em dash (tohu: –) (kupu kē atu: tāroa)
opus (takenga mai: toi - art, knowledge; mana - prestige, high status)
poem, poetry, poetic (takenga mai: toi - art, knowledge; kupu - word, utterance, message) (kupu kē atu: ruri, mōteatea)
bullet point (tohu: •) (takenga mai: tongi - dot; matā - bullet)
ellipsis (tohu: ...) (takenga mai: tongi - dot; tāruarua - repeated) (kupu kē atu: tongitoru)
hero, principal male character
tuatini (o te kōrero) Tūingoa, Tūāhua
complexity (of text) (takenga mai: tuatini [tuatinitini] - with many parts, of many strands)
heroine, principal female character
write, notate (kupu kē atu: tuhituhi)
guided writing (takenga mai: arahanga [arahi] - to lead; arahanga - bridge, ladder)
blogging (takenga mai: hauhiko - blog; hau - be heard, published, report; hiko [matihiko] - digital)
free writing
printing, manuscript (takenga mai: motumotu - to separate, sever)
shared writing, collaborative writing
cursive script (takenga mai: rere - to flow)
tuhi tīpoka Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūmahi Poro
note taking (takenga mai: tīpoka [tīpokapoka] - taking some and leaving some)
environmental print
(drama) script
handwritten text
advice column, agony column (takenga mai: akoako - to give or take counsel) (kupu kē atu: tuhinga tohutohu)
creative writing, creative text
sports article, sports section
academic text (written)
transactional writing, transactional text (takenga mai: meka - fact, to be true)
entertainment column, entertainment section
gossip column
narrative writing, narrative text
written recount, chronicle
instructional (written) text, instructional writing, procedural text (takenga mai: tohutohu - to instruct, advise,guide, direct)
poetic writing, poetic text
descriptive writing, descriptive text
expository writing, expository text
illustrative text (takenga mai: whakatauira - to illustrate, give an example)
persuasive writing, persuasive text (kupu kē atu: tuhinga whakapakepake)
encode (takenga mai: tuhi - to write; oro - sound)
independent writing (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone)
tūhono ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
match (takenga mai: tūhono - connect, join)
one-to-one matching (takenga mai: tūhono - join, connect; pā- to touch, to be connected with; tahi - one)
creative process
writing process
root (of a word), stem, base (takenga mai: tumu - foundation, stump, base)
epilogue, afterword (takenga mai: turuki - to come as a supplement, follow) (kupu kē atu: whakatepenga)
tūtanga mua (o te pukapuka) Tūingoa
front matter (of a book) (takenga mai: tūtanga - portion, division; mua - in front, before)
tūtanga muri (o te pukapuka) Tūingoa
back matter (of a book) (takenga mai: tūtanga - portion, division; muri - behind, coming after)
conflict (takenga mai: tutū - to be stirred up; puehu - dust) (kupu kē atu: raruraru)
(book) cover
hard cover
front cover
back cover
soft cover, paperback
rhetorical question
subheading (kupu kē atu: upoko mātāmuri)
urupare (ki te kōrero) ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi
response (to text)
personal response (kupu kē atu: paremata whaiaro)
urutau ~nga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi
adapt, adaptation
mood, feeling, atmosphere
conference, conferencing (takenga mai: wānanga - to meet and discuss, deliberate, consider)
peer conferencing (takenga mai: aropā - clump of one species of tree) (kupu kē atu: wānanga ā-hoa)
weteoro Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi
decode (takenga mai: wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound; oro [oromotu] - phoneme)
weteoro ā-kākā Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
barking at print
whakaahua ~tia ~ hanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
describe, description
whakaemi (kōrero) ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
collate, collation (text) (kupu kē atu: whakakao [kōrero])
nemesis, downfall (kupu kē atu: whewheia)
whakahokinga arohaehae Tūingoa
critical feedback
whakahua motumotu Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
sound out, enounce (takenga mai: whakahua - to say, pronounce; motumotu - be divided into isolated portions)
whakakapi ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
conclude, conclusion (kupu kē atu: whakatepe)
cloze (takenga mai: whakakī - to fill; āputa - be empty, a gap)
whakamahea ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi
cathartic, catharsis, emotional release (takenga mai: whakamahea - to allay, clear away, dispel, calm)
decipher (takenga mai: whakamatara - to unravel)
whakamatara kupu Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
word attack (takenga mai: whakamatara - to unravel, untie)
whakamihi ~a Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
acknowledge, acknowledgement
surprise, element of surprise (takenga mai: whakaohooho - to arouse, to awaken)
refine (kupu kē atu: whakahuatau)
whakapoto ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
abbreviate, abbreviation
caption (takenga mai: whakapūaho - to clarify, elucidate)
whakaputa ~ina ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
publish, publication
whakarāpopoto ~hia Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi
summary, synopsis, abstract, precis, summarise
mentor (takenga mai: whakaruruhau - protector, shield, advisor, mentor)
whakatairanga ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
advertise, advertisement, promote (takenga mai: whakatairanga - elevate, promote)
introduction, opening
whakatakoto ~ria Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
format, to lay out
whakatangata ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
personify, personification
whakatauira ~hia Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi
model, exemplify (takenga mai: whakatauira - illustration, example, sample)
whakatautika Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
justify (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tautika - even, level, boundary)
whakatautika matau Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
right justify (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tautika - even, level, boundary)
whakatautika mauī Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
left justify (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tautika - even, level, boundary)
whakatautika waenga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
centre justify (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tautika - even, level, boundary)
whakatika ~ina Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
amend (kupu kē atu: tapi)
whakatika whaiaro Tūingoa, Tūmahi
whakawhanake pānui Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
remedial reading (takenga mai: whakawhanake - to develop, improve; pānui - to read)
whakawhere ~a Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi
persuade, persuasion, persuasive (kupu kē atu: whakakīkī, whakapakepake)
dialogue, conversation, communication, discussion
word family
endpaper, endsheet (takenga mai: whārahi - broad, wide; whā [whārangi] - page; rahi - large)
contents page
title page
web page
home page
double spread (takenga mai: tahora - to spread out, lay out)
personal experience
verse, stanza