Ko ngā momo rauemi ka whakamahia i te wā kai, pēnei i te perēti, i te kapu me te oko, ka mātua hangaia ki tētahi momo uku, ki te karāhe rānei.
The various types of items that are used at meal times such as plates, cups and bowls, that are mainly made from different types of clay and glass.
utauta - equipment, tool, goods
kai - food
Kua iti haere te whakamahinga o te utauta kai i ngā hui nui, ā, kua piki te whakamahinga o ngā tuemi mahinga tahi ka porowhiua noa ihotia ki te ipupara.
Wehea ngā utauta kai ki ōna momo, arā, ki ngā momo rawa ka takea mai ai aua utauta.
Kua tonoa te hapori o te kura kia tukuna he utauta kai pākarukaru hei mahi toi mā ngā tamariki.