He one angiangi, ka ruia, ka whakatōkia rānei he purapura ki roto, ki reira tinaku ai, pihi ake ai. I ētahi wā, ka whakanōhia te oneone ki roto i tētahi momo paepae, ka kīia he paepae pārekereke. Kia pakari ngā tipu, ka huarangatia ki te māra.
Fine soil in which seeds are spread or planted for them to germinate and begin their growth. Sometimes the soil is placed in a tray, called a seed tray. When the plants are strong they can be transplanted to the garden.
Ko te kātene hēki tētahi momo paepae e pai ana te whakamahi hei pārekereke.
Kaua e pōrukuruku te one ka hoatu ki te paepae pārekereke, kia angiangi kē.