He tukanga e mā ake ai tētahi mea (pērā i te papanga, i te pepa me te makawe), mā te horoi ki roto i tētahi matū e kīia nei ko te hauwai ōkai-rua (H2O2), mā te whakairi rānei kia whitikina e Tamanuiterā.
A process which causes something (such as fabric, paper or hair) to become whiter, through washing it in a chemical substance called hydrogen peroxide, or through exposure to sunlight.
whaka - causative prefix
kōmā - whitish, creamy coloured
He pai kē atu te whakakōmā māori nei, arā, te whakairi i ngā kope kia whakakōmātia e Tamanuiterā.
Nā te whakakōmā hauwai ōkai-rua i hua ake te hakihaki ki tōna kiri.
He mea whakakōmā ōna makawe, koirā i urukehu ai.