He inenga hei tohu i te nui o ngā haurehu kati mahana ka whakaputaina e tētahi tangata, e tētahi rōpū, e tētahi kaupapa, e tētahi mahi rānei. Ko ēnei haurehu kati mahana, pēnei i te hauhā (CO2) tētahi pūtake matua o te āhuarangi hurihuri.
A measure indicating the amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted by a person, a group, a particular project or activity. These greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are a major cause of climate change.
Ko te taraiwa motukā tētahi mahi o ia rā ka whakapiki i te tapuwae waro o te tangata.
E piki tonu ana te tapuwae waro o ngā whenua whai rawa o te rātō, pēnei i Amerika.
Ko te kaupare i te kai mīti me te whakaiti i ngā haerenga mā runga motukā ētahi ara matua e heke ai te tapuwae waro o te whānau.