Ko ngā momo mahi kia kore ai e porowhiua ngā para ki te ruapara, ka tukuna kētia ki wāhi kē pērā i te taupuni hangarua, ka whakamahia anō, ka hangahoutia rānei.
Activity to ensure waste is not disposed to landfill, but is instead sent to other places such as a recycling depot, or is reused or repurposed.
whakapeau - to turn away, divert, redirect
Ko te whāinga o te arotakenga para, ko te tautohu i ngā para ka taea te whakapeau ki wāhi kē.
Ko te whakamahi anō me te hangahou i ngā para te whakapeautanga e tino whaihua ana.
Me pēhea te tātai i te ōrau whakapeau para o tō tātou kura?