He momo matū horihori ka hangaia ki te waerau, ka takea mai i te hinu māori. He nui ake i te 60,000 ngā momo kirihou rerekē. Kāore i taumaha, i kiato rānei te nuinga o ngā kirihou, ā, ka mānu i te wai. He āhua hangore te nuinga o ngā kirihou, engari he mārō ētahi, ā, ka whati mēnā he nui rawa te whakapiko. He nui te whakamahinga o te kirihou hei hanga i ngā momo hautaonga o ia rā, pērā i te pēke kirihou, engari he nui hoki ngā whakararu taiao ka hua ake i te para kirihou.
Types of synthetic material that are made from polymer which is extracted from crude oil. There are over 60,000 different types of plastics. Plastics are not heavy or dense and will float on water. Most plastics are somewhat flexible, but some are stiff and will break if bent too far. Plastic is in widespread use to manufacture everyday items such as plastic bags, however there are also many environmental problems that are caused by plastic waste.
kiri - skin
hou - new
Nā tētahi mātanga pūtaiao nō Peretiama te kirihou tuatahi i whakaputa i te tau 1907.
He aha ngā momo kirihou e hangaruatia ana i te taupuni hangarua o te tāone?
He mea whakakore te whakamahinga o te pēke kirihou hei kawe hokohoko i te tau 2019.