Para Kore

pūnaha torokiki

regenerative system



Ko te huinga me te tūhonohono o ngā wāhanga iti o tētahi mea tūtahi, pērā i te ōhanga, i tētahi māra, i te tinana tangata, me tētahi pūnaha para. Mā te mahi tahi o ngā wāhanga iti e ora ai, e pai ai, e whaihua ai taua mea tūtahi, arā, ka tipu anō, ka whakamōhou anō.

The network and interconnectedness of the individual parts of an entire thing, such as the economy, a garden, the human body, or a system of waste. The individual parts work together to ensure the whole is healthy, efficient and beneficial, namely it regrows and renews itself.

Tauira KŌrero

Mā hea kē atu i te pūnaha torokiki e tiakina ai a Papatūānuku.

Kua tahuri te marae ki te tirotiro i ngā momo pūnaha torokiki hei whakaiti i tōna tapuwae waro.

Kāore i tua atu i ō tātou tinana hei tauira o tēnei mea te pūnaha torokiki.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga

Hei tauira o ētahi pūnaha torokiki:

Takenga Mai

torokiki - to sprout afresh, regrow


pūnaha whakatiputipu

pūnaha whakahou

Tauira KŌrero

Mā hea kē atu i te pūnaha torokiki e tiakina ai a Papatūānuku.

Kua tahuri te marae ki te tirotiro i ngā momo pūnaha torokiki hei whakaiti i tōna tapuwae waro.

Kāore i tua atu i ō tātou tinana hei tauira o tēnei mea te pūnaha torokiki.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga