He momo tirohanga ki ngā take e pā ana ki te mahana haere o te ao, inā ko te aro ki te taha matatika, ki ngā mōtika tangata, ki ngā take tōrangapū, take pāpori hoki, kāore e arohia noa ihotia ngā āhuatanga pūtaiao. Ko tētahi whāinga matua o roto i te huatika āhuarangi, kia pīkautia e te hunga whairawa, e ngā whenua whairawa ngā mahi nui, ngā utu nui me te haepapa ki te whakaiti i te tukuna o te haurehu kati mahana, inā ko rātou te tino whiwhi i ngā ahumahi tukuwaro i roto i ngā tau. Me te aha anō ko te hunga rawakore me ngā whenua rawa iti kei te pāngia kinotia e te āhuarangi hurihuri.
A way of looking at global warming where focus is given to ethical elements, human rights, political and social issues, and not just scientific phenomena. One of the major aims of climate justice is for the rich and prosperous individuals and countries to carry the work, costs and responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as they have profited the most from carbon emitting industrialisation over the years. However the people and countries who are poor are most affected by the impacts of climate change.
hua - outcome, result
tika - correct, just
tika āhuarangi
Kua roa nei ō tātou whanaunga o Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa e tohe ana kia kaha ake te aro ki te huatika āhuarangi.
He mea nui te āta whakaaro ki te huatika āhuarangi, kia pīkautia e te whairawa ngā raruraru taiao, kia kaua e tipu tonu te āputa tautika-kore ki waenga i te hunga whairawa me te hunga rawakore.
Ko tētahi wāhanga o roto i te huatika āhuarangi, ko te tirotiro i ngā huarahi e whakamaurutia ai te pāngia kinotia o ētahi wāhi me ngā hapori o reira e te huarere taikaha.