Ko te noho tahi mai o tētahi hapori rauropi me tōna taiao. Hei tauira, ko ētahi o ngā āhuatanga o te pūnaha hauropi o te repo: ko te tūhono o tētahi momo ki tētahi; ko te whakaputa uri a tēnā me tēnā o ngā rauropi; ko te pānga mai o te āhuarangi ki te noho o ngā rauropi; ko te māwhaiwhai kame; ko te kounga o te wai; me ētahi atu āhuatanga maha e whai pānga ana.
The way a community of organisms lives together in their environment. For example, the ecosystem of a swamp includes the interaction of the species present, the reproduction of each species, the influence of the climate, the food web, the quality of the water, and many other related aspects.
▾pūnaha ‒ system
hauropi ‒ ecology
He aha ētahi āhuatanga matua e toru o te pūnaha hauropi o te kōawa nei?
Whakamāramatia mai ngā āhuatanga kei te whakararu i te pūnaha hauropi o ō tātou ngahere māori.
Nā te whakarake ngahere me te whakatū pāmu kua tino raruraru ngā pūnaha hauropi maha, puta noa i te ao.