He haurehu ka puta i te moī me te whakapopo hāore-kore o te pararopi. Ko te mewaro (CH4) me te hauhā (CO2) ngā wāhanga matua o te haurehu koiora. He haurehu whaihua mēnā ka whakamahia hei kora, ka tahuna hei whakaputa pūngao hiko, pūngao wera rānei. Ka puta te haurehu koiora i te wairākau wera, i te ruapara me te mahi rāwekeweke parakaingaki.
A gas produced by anaerobic fermentation and break down of organic waste. Biogas consists mainly of methanol (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). It can be a beneficial gas if used as a fuel, or burned to produce electricity or heat energy. Biogas is produced in hot composting, in landfills and during sewage treatment.
He aha e puta ai te haurehu koiora i te ruapara?
I ētahi wāhi, kua tīmata te kapo i ngā haurehu koiora e puta ake ana i te ruapara, me te huri i aua haurehu hei pūngao hiko.
Ko te ahumahi miraka kau te kaiwhakaputa haurehu koiora matua i Aotearoa.