He tikanga, he kaupapa, he huarahi hoki e whai ana kia whakakorea te para e tūkino nei i a Papatūānuku, mā roto i te panoni toronaha, te haepapa rangatōpū, tae atu ki ngā mahi atawhai i te taiao a ngā iwi, a ngā whānau me ngā hapori. Ko te oranga o Papatūānuku me ōna tini te pae tawhiti. Ko ētahi o ngā mahi e tutuki ai ngā whāinga para kore: ko te whakahou i ngā pūnaha whakaputa me ngā pūnaha whakapeto, e iti ai te whakapau i ngā rawa o Papatūānuku, e iti ai hoki te tāoke o ngā hautaonga e whakanaotia ana; ko te whakatika hautaonga pakaru me te tukurau i ngā hautaonga, e tōia roatia ai te whakamahinga o ngā hautaonga; ko te whakawairākau i ngā para kai e haumako ai te oneone; ko te hangarua me te hangahou.
A philosophy, a journey, and a goal that aims to eliminate waste causing harm to Papatūānuku through systematic change, corporate responsibility, and action at the tribal, whānau and community levels. The health of Papatūānuku and her many descendants is the long term goal. Actions that will help achieve zero waste goals include: transforming production and consumption systems to reduce the depletion of raw materials and the toxicity of products that are manufactured; reuse and repair practices to keep products in use for as long as possible; composting food scraps to improve the soil; recycling and repurposing.