He matū ngingiha, kua hia miriona tau e noho ana ki a Papatūānuku. Hei tauira, ko te waro, ko te hinu, ko te rei, ko te kapuni. He rawa whatungarongaro te koranehe – ki te tahuna, kua ngaro noa atu. He parakino anō hoki te koranehe – ki te tahuna ka puta he haurehu kati mahana, mātua rā ko te hauhā (CO2). Ka whakamahia he koranehe hei pūngao mō te pūkaha kōhinu, hinuheu hoki, hei whakaputa hoki i te pūngao hiko.
A combustible material that has been in the Earth for a very long time (millions of years), such as coal, oil, peat and natural gas. Fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource – once burnt, they are gone. They are also a pollutant – when they are burnt greenhouse gases are emitted, the main one being carbon dioxide. Fossil fuels are used as an energy source in petrol and diesel motors, and also to produce electricity.
kora - fuel
nehe - ancient times
kora mātātoka
He aha ngā koranehe matua e whakamahia ana i Aotearoa?
E tahuri ana ngā whenua maha ki te whakakore i te koranehe hei puna pūngao, mā reira e pōturi ai te mahana haere o te ao.
Ko tētahi mahi nui a ngā mātanga pūtaiao, he rangahau i te whakamahinga o ngā rawa whakahou hei whakakapi i te wāhi ki ngā koranehe.