He puna o tētahi matū, o tētahi atu mea rānei he painga ōna mō te tangata, e taea ana te whakapau, te whakamahi ina hiahiatia.* Ka kīia ngā rawa ka takea mai i a Papatūānuku, pērā i te tokahuke rino, i te hinu me te rimurimu, he rawa taketake. Ka rāwekewekehia aua rawa hei whakaputa matū, pērā i te maitai, i te kirihou me te whakahaumako.
* He Pātaka Kupu (wh.759)
A supply of materials, or other types of things which are of benefit to people and are able to be consumed or used when needed. Resources taken from the earth such as iron ore, oil and seaweed are called raw materials. They are used to manufacture materials such as steel, plastic and fertiliser.
He rawa whatungarongaro ngā momo koranehe pērā i te kōhinu, i te hinuheu me te kapuni.
Ko tētahi whāinga matua o te kaupapa o Para Kore, ko te whakaiti i te hukenga rawa hou, he whakapiki i te tukuruatanga o ngā rawa.
Ko te onepū rino e hukea ana i Taharoa i Te Taihauāuru, koia te rawa taketake e whakamahia ana hei whakaputa maitai i te wheketere nui kei Waiuku.