He ara ako mō te hunga kāore e tau ana te noho ki te kura auraki, kāore e angitu ana te ako ki reira. Ko tā te ako arokē, he waihanga mahere ako whaiaro e hāngai ana ki ngā matea ako o te ākonga, e hihiko anō ai ia ki te ako. I ētahi wā, ko te hoki anō ki te kura auraki pea te whāinga, he wā anō ko te āwhina i a ia ki te uru atu ki te ao mahi, ki tētahi akoranga ringarehe, whareako paetoru rānei.
An educational pathway for those who are not settled in mainstream schooling, and not achieving successful outcomes. Alternative education develops an individual education plan for the student in order to address their learning needs. Sometimes the goal is to transition back to mainstream schooling, sometimes to help the student enter the workforce, or go into vocational training or tertiary education.
aro - to face, turn towards, be inclined towards
kē - different, alternative