He hoahoa, he momo tuhinga ataata rānei e whakaatu ana i ngā whakaaro, i ngā wāhanga me ngā hononga o roto i tētahi kaupapa, mā reira e nahanaha ai, e pūrangiaho ai.
A diagram or type of visualisation that presents the ideas, the various elements and the connections within a topic in order to provide structure and clarity.
He manomano kupu te rite o te mahere huatau nei e hoa.
Ko te mahi a te rōpū, he wānanga i ngā kitenga o te rangahau, he whakaatu i ngā āhuatanga mātuatua ki te mahere huatau.
He mahere huatau te hua o te ohia manomano a te rōpū.