Ka whai wāhi atu, ka noho huānga, ka angitu te katoa i roto i te pūnaha mātauranga, ahakoa te mātāwaka o te tangata, tōna iwi, tōna ahurea, tōna tuakiri ā-ira, tōna hauātanga rānei. Ka pai anō te whakawhanaunga a ngā ākonga katoa me ō rātou pouako.
Where all people have access to the education system, feel a sense of belonging, and achieve success, no matter their ethnicity, their tribal affinity, their culture, their gender identity, or their disability. They also enjoy positive relationships with their teachers.
Kua tahuri tērā kura ki te whai i ngā tikanga o te ako kauawhi i muri mai i te pūrongo tātā a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga.
Nā te ngākau aroha o Whaea Mihi me tana whai i te ako kauawhi, kua tino tau te noho o taku mokopuna ki tana akomanga.