Ko te matapaki i tētahi kaupapa hei whakaputa whakaaro hou, hei whakaoti rapanga, hei whakatakoto mahere rānei. He māhorahora te tuku a tēnā i ōna whakaaro, a tēnā i ōna, waihoki mā te whakaaro o tētahi e puta ai he whakaaro i tētahi atu.
The discussion of a topic with the aim of producing new ideas, solving a problem, or determining a plan. Each person is free to contribute their ideas, and one person’s ideas may inspire another’s.
ohia - to think on the spur of the moment
manomano - innumerable
Ko tā tātou mahi tamariki mā, he ohia manomano i te kaupapa o te whakaari.
Tohua tētahi o te rōpū, māna e tuhi ngā whakaaro ka puta i te ohia manomano.
Ko tētahi pūkenga nui i te ohia manomano, ko te āta whakarongo ki ngā kōrero a tangata kē.