Ko te āta wetewete, ko te āta tātari, ko te arotake i tētahi take e pūrangiaho ai ngā taha katoa o te take, me kore e kitea he ara whakamua, he otinga whaihua, he whakataunga tautika ake rānei.
The purposeful dissection, analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to understand all sides of the issue and perhaps reveal a way forward, a beneficial solution or a more equitable outcome.
Inā noa nei kua pakari haere ōna pūkenga whakaaro arohaehae.
Me āta whakaatu te whakaaro arohaehae o te ākonga e eke ai ia i te taumata o te Kairangi i tēnei aromatawai.
He mea nui kia pakari te whakaaro arohaehae o ā tātou tamariki, kia kaua rātou e whakapono noa ki ngā mea katoa e kitea ana i te ipurangi.