Ko te mahi hei poipoi, hei whakaruru, hei tohutohu i tētahi atu i roto i tana ara mātauranga, i tana kāpeka aramahi, i kaupapa kē atu rānei. Ka kīia te tangata kawe i te mahi kumanu, he whakaruruhau.
The nurturing, protecting and advising of someone in their educational or vocational pathway, or in another type of activity. The person who takes on the role of mentorship is called a mentor.
kumanu - to tend, foster, care for
Ka riro ko tōna matua kēkē hei kaiwhakaruruhau mōna i te kura whakairo, nāna ia i kumanu.
Nā te kumanu a tōna pouako i piki anō ai tōna whakapono ki a ia anō.
He mea nui kia kumanutia ā tātou tamatāne e tētahi kiriwhakatauira pai.