Ko te whakaatutanga whaimana o tā te tangata whakatutuki i tētahi hōtaka ako, hōtaka whakangungu rānei. E tika ana kia whakamanatia te kura, te whare wānanga, te umanga mātauranga nā rātou te tohu i tuku, e āhukahukatia whānuitia ai taua tohu rā, e whai wāriu ai.
The official recognition of a person's completion of a learning or training course. The school, university or educational institution conferring the qualification should be accredited to do so, in order for it to be widely recognised and have value.
Kei tēhea taumata te tohu mātauranga e whai nā koe i te kuratini e kō?
Hei te Pōhoroi tū ai te hui whakanui i ngā ākonga e whakawhiwhia ana ki te tohu mātauranga.
Poho kererū ana te kuia i te whiwhinga a tana mokopuna ki te tohu mātauranga o te whare wānanga.